Camping can be a fun, summertime activity for the entire family. You can go swimming, have campfires, and ride bikes. But, there are many other entertaining outdoor activities for kids that your children can do while camping. Here are 3 Fun Camping Activities for Kids:
Typical camping foods include things that are pre-packaged and grilled unless you have a camper or a RV with a stove. Try using just the fire and see what you can cook with your kids. (This will only work for older children who are responsible and safe enough around the fire.) There are many fun things that can be made with simple foods such as hot dogs. Slice x’s into the ends of a hotdog, making 4 “legs” on each side, leaving the middle uncut to hold it all together, and hold it over the fire. The ends will curl up and it will look like spider.
Nature Art
Try making an art project using objects found in the nature. Your children can use leaves, sticks, flowers and dirt to create a picture or sculpture. Mud can be used as a glue to keep things together. You can even try making your own paint by adding water to crushed items like leaves, bark, and flowers. You can bring along a canvas to paint on and create a masterpiece this camping trip.
Scavenger Hunt
Children of all ages can have fun exploring nature on a scavenger hunt. Make a list of things that are typically found around a camp site. You can pick items based on the age of the children participating. For young children, you can try having them find things that are a certain color. For older children, you can have them look for specific plants and leaves. Kids (and their parents) will have fun searching and learning all about things in nature.
Click on the picture above to print your own Camping Scavenger Hunt
Camping can be a great way to spend time outdoors with your family. There are many things that children can do around the camp site. They are sure to love these 3 Fun Camping Activities for Kids.
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